And what to do about it
Are you feeling burnt out at work? You’re not alone. Burnout in the workplace is a real phenomenon, and it can happen to anyone. However, a recent Gallup survey indicates that women are more likely than men to feel burned out at work, 34% vs 26%.
Burnout has become so prevalent among women that according to data from Lean In and McKinsey & Company, one in three women has considered downshifting roles, or leaving the workplace altogether.
But what are the early signs of career burnout? How can you tell if you’re heading down that road? If you’re experiencing any of the following, it may be time to take a step back and reassess your career status quo.
You’re dreading going to work
It’s not just the Monday blues anymore. Every day, you feel increased anxiety about what lies ahead of you at work, and you’re not sure what to do about it.
You’re constantly tired and have no energy
You find yourself in a cycle of rare moments of feeling energised and ready to take on the tasks ahead, inevitably followed by an unbeatable feeling of exhaustion. You are now in survival mode
You feel unengaged and uninterested in your work
Your passion for your work is slowly dissipating, and you feel mentally distant from the job. Your body is still there, but your mind has long left the building.
You’re feeling negative and pessimistic about your career
You may start by feeling that your work is pointless, and even question your own ability to deliver what the job requires. This feeling slowly begins to show up in your work, and you are worried that other people will start to notice.
- Take a break from work, even if it’s just a long weekend. Use that time to relax, recharge, and reflect on your career circumstances, and whether you are happy with the current state of affairs
- Talk to your manager about your concerns, and what specific support you need from them and the company
- Start seeking support – turn to your trusted network of family, friends, or associates to talk about what is happening. You can find additional professional support from mentors or coaches to help you decide the best course of action for you and your career.
Not sure what to do about your burnout? We offer customised coaching and mentoring packages that can help you address burnout and figure out the next best steps for you in your career journey.
Need some help?
Career success is possible without burnout. Book a “no obligation” strategy call today to discuss how we can help you.
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