In the dynamic realm of middle management, the challenges and responsibilities from both above and below their line of leadership can often lead to burnout.

Burnout is more than just feeling tired or stressed; it’s a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion that can have far-reaching consequences on both individual managers and the teams they lead. To sustain leadership fortitude and drive, it’s essential to understand the five phases of burnout and proactively navigate them with managers. In this post, we’ll explore these phases and provide strategies to prevent burnout from undermining leadership effectiveness.

Phase 1: Honeymoon Phase

Middle managers typically start their roles with high enthusiasm, eager to make a positive impact. During this honeymoon phase, they are motivated, driven, and keen to tackle new challenges. However, without proper guidance, this initial enthusiasm can quickly turn into overexertion and stress.

Support Strategies:

  • Setting Clear Expectations: Communicate realistic expectations, ensuring that middle managers don’t take on more than they can handle.
  • Encouraging Work-Life Balance: Emphasise the importance of breaks and time off to recharge, establishing a culture that values well-being from the start.
Know your worth

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Phase 2: Onset of Stress

As middle managers face increasing demands, stress begins to mount. This phase is marked by heightened pressure, ongoing fatigue, and waning enthusiasm. Recognizing these signs early can prevent burnout from taking hold.

Support Strategies:

  • Regular Check-ins: Encourage open conversations about workload and stress levels, providing a platform for middle managers to voice their concerns.
  • Resource Allocation: Ensure middle managers have access to the necessary tools, training, and support to excel in their roles.

Phase 3: Chronic Stress

Persistent stress without intervention leads to the chronic burnout phase. Middle managers may experience a decline in job satisfaction, accompanied by cynicism and detachment. This phase calls for targeted interventions to prevent further deterioration.

Support Strategies:

  • Skill Enhancement: Offer opportunities for middle managers to acquire new skills or refine existing ones, fostering a sense of accomplishment and growth.
  • Stress Management Training: Provide resources for stress management techniques, enabling middle managers to better cope with pressure. Ideally, this should be a core part of management training to prepare particularly first-time managers as they step into their roles.
Know your worth

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Phase 4: Burnout

Middle managers in this phase experience a profound sense of exhaustion and detachment. Their performance and morale decline significantly, and they struggle to find meaning in their work. Swift action is essential to prevent burnout from becoming entrenched.

Support Strategies:

  • Flexible Support: Discuss with the manager what support they need. Flexible schedules may be an option or agreed-planned time out to support recovery.
  • Peer Support: Foster a supportive team environment where middle managers can share their challenges and strategies for managing burnout.

Phase 5: Habitual Burnout

In the final phase, burnout becomes chronic, impacting both professional and personal well-being. Physical and mental health can suffer, necessitating comprehensive intervention.

Support Strategies:

  • Access to Resources: Ensure middle managers have access to mental health resources and encourage them to seek professional assistance when needed.
  • Cultural Shift: Middle managers benefit from an organizational culture that values well-being, placing emphasis on supportive leadership and holistic success metrics. Have open conversations with managers about what supportive leadership could look like for them.

Understanding the five phases of burnout within the context of middle management is vital for creating resilient and effective leaders. By recognizing the signs at each stage and implementing targeted support strategies, organizations can foster an environment where middle managers thrive while maintaining their well-being.

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Need help in supporting your mid-level leadership to build resilience, and avoid burnout? Reach out to me on LinkedIn, or Book a strategy call with me today.

Kai-Nneka Townsend is a Burnout Prevention Coach and author. When you are ready, she can help you with:

Manager Burnout Prevention workshops for companies

One-to-one coaching for high-achieving women

Mentoring for high-achieving women ready for their next level of success

Group coaching - your own private circle of high-achieving women to learn from and grow with

Need some help?

Want a more detailed guide on how to plan the next steps for your career if you’re in burnout? Check out “Break Your Burnout Cycle”, now available on Amazon. Click the 'Buy Break Your Burnout Cycle' button below to get your copy of the Ebook. Paperback and audio versions are also available.