Think you have a time management problem? Think again! It could really be a boundary issue.

Do you often find yourself overwhelmed and overworked? If so, you’re not alone. Time management is a problem that many people struggle with. But what if I told you that the solution to your time management problems could be as simple as setting healthy boundaries?

It may sound counterintuitive, but setting healthy boundaries is one of the best ways to take control of your time. By learning to say “no” to the things that are not aligned with your goals, and setting clear limits on your commitments, you can free up more time to focus on things that matter to you and avoid burnout.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your time management skills, healthy boundaries are a great place to start. In this article, we’ll show you how to set healthy boundaries and use them to solve your time management issues.

What are boundary management issues?

 lady in center with many things being handed to her (yellow background)
We often mistake boundary issues for time management problems. We try to find ways to keep ourselves from being interrupted, to do more in less time, and to maximize our productivity. But the truth is, most of our time management problems are really boundary issues in disguise.

It’s easier to manage your time when you have clear, healthy boundaries. If your time management problem feels intractable, it may be because your boundaries are unclear.

Here are some signs that your boundary management issues are affecting your time management:

  • You frequently say “yes” to things you don’t really want to do
  • You have a hard time saying “no” to people
  • You feel like you can’t say “no” to your boss
  • You’re constantly interrupting your own work to do things for other people
  • You’re constantly checking your email, even when you’ve officially finished work for the day
  • You say “yes” to additional work, even when you are already stretched thin
  • You regularly work long hours or on weekends. It has become the rule, and not the exception

If any of this sounds familiar, it’s time to take a closer look at your management skills. Poor boundary management can severely impact your time management, leaving you with feelings of burnout, resentment, and even anxiety and depression. With a little practice, you can learn to set healthy boundaries.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Black lady at desk with laptop looking up

By definition, healthy boundaries are the limits you set in order to protect your mental and emotional well-being. They give you a sense of control over your life. When you have healthy boundaries, you know what you can and cannot handle. This can help you say “no” to things that will overwhelm you. It can also help you better manage your time because you will be less likely to take on too much.

So, what can we do to set clear, healthy boundaries and protect our time and energy? Here are a few key things:

  • Be clear about what is important to you and schedule specific times for them to get done – this means everything from your work goals, personal relaxation time and exercise, to protected time with your family
  • Communicate your needs to your boss, and family, or whoever else is demanding your time and energy
  • Be honest with yourself and others about what you can and can’t do. If you are already feeling overwhelmed, don’t try to do everything yourself. Let others know that you need help or that you can’t do something.
  • Stand by your boundaries – make it a daily practice to say no to things that don’t align with your priorities. This could be things like working extra hours regularly instead of by exception, taking on new projects when your plate is already full, attending social events when what your body really needs is a night in, not another night out.
  • Set limits on your time and energy expenditure – if you are available all the time, to everyone, you have less time to recharge and get your own priorities done.


lady in chair relaxed with arms out

If you want to get your time management under control, start by taking a closer look at your boundary management skills. If you don’t set healthy boundaries, you’ll never have enough time. And, with the goals you have set for yourself, ain’t nobody got time for that!

Need some help?

Need help with your time management or boundary management skills? Book a “no obligation” strategy session to find out if our Glow Circle mentorship package may be right for you.
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